within the AI Matters project

The Spanish Node is coordinated by the Research and Innovation Center TECNALIA. TECNALIA is part of the Node together with AIMEN -Technological Center-, ITA -Technological Institute of Aragon- as well as AFM -Spanish Association of Machine Tool Manufacturers and advanced and digital manufacturing cluster-, which represents the interests of the industry.

The Spanish Node envisions the creation of state-of-the-art test and experimentation facilities, based on AI solutions for the manufacturing sector, to help companies and technology providers to:

Evolve your manufacturing processes through a new paradigm of automated, digitized and flexible production supported by state-of-the-art AI solutions.

Apply these solutions to new emerging processes in a circular economy (efficient use of resources, eco-design and energy efficient products, efficient processes, design for circularity, disassembly, remanufacturing, recycling, etc.) that will play a key role in the future. manufacturing industries and in society in general.

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years of project duration




7 nodes + 1.60 M€ budget


of EU funding

Node members

Tecnalia: coordinator

TECNALIA is the largest technology and research center in Spain and the country's benchmark in manufacturing innovation. TECNALIA is an applied and multidisciplinary center with a multi-technological approach, to give industrial sense to the digital innovations integrated in the new systems, materials and technologies that Smart Manufacturing brings us.

AFM: member

AFM, the Spanish National Association of Machine Manufacturers, is the advanced and digital manufacturing cluster that represents the industry's interests and offerings.

AIMEN: member

AIMEN is an Innovation and Technology Center highly specialized in materials and advanced manufacturing technologies.


The Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón - ITA is a Research and Technology Center linked to the Regional Government of Aragón. It has extensive experience and offers test facilities for digital technologies, materials, robotics and mechatronics.

Node members

Fraunhofer IPA

  • Leading the German node
  • Part of Fraunhofer organisation
  • Fraunhofer is biggest applied research organisation in Germany
  • Fraunhofer IPA focusses on manufacturing and automation

Lead contact
Dr. Björn Kahl

Institute of Electrical Energy Conversion (IEW)

  • Part of University of Stuttgart
  • Research focus on electrical machines and contactless energy transfer
  • Applications in the areas mobility, medical technology and industrial applications

Lead contact
Urs Pecha

Research Campus ARENA2036

  • Research campus with over 50 partners from industry and science on one platform
  • Focused on research in production and mobility
  • Establishing services with robotic infrastructure for AI applications

Lead contact
Frederik Wulle

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)

  • National metrology institute
  • Founded 1887
  • Today: 3 sites, staff: ≈ 2000
  • Agency of Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
  • Division Precision Engineering focus: manufacturing metrology
  • Virtual instruments (dig. twin), Testing of algorithms for CMM

Lead contact
Dr. Harald Bosse

Strategic equipment of the node

The Spanish node provides a structured set of physical and virtual services to companies through a multi-technology approach based on its partners’ facilities.

Main equipment

  • Data capture and analysis laboratories.
  • AI and robotics test benches for smooth and flexible production.
  • Robotic development platforms.
  • Additive manufacturing fab-labs (e.g. binder jetting with industrial capacity -single pieces of equipment-).
  • High performance computing and advanced simulation packages.
  • Advanced composite cells.
  • Perception and artificial vision laboratories and systems.
  • Power electronics and systems laboratory.

Planned infrastructure deployment

Our node plans strategic investments to complement existing equipment with new equipment in order to provide more advanced and higher quality value-added services.

Node services

1. Optimization at factory level

  • Optimization of manufacturing processes and plant management systems.
  • Implementation of hardware and software solutions in advanced manufacturing environments.
  • Modeling and simulation for the development of software solutions and algorithms in virtual environments.

Human-robot interaction

  • Autonomous, flexible and collaborative robotics.
  • Support for the development and provision of high value-added data.
  • Validation of AI algorithms for different manufacturing environments, both virtual and physical.

Our services are oriented to meet the needs of SMEs in different manufacturing sectors, with a multi-technological approach based on AI-MATTERS’ main priority thematic groups.

We test and experiment with AI-based solutions, deployed in physical and digital infrastructures in different sectors and areas of interest.

3. Circular economy

  • Application of the circular economy to materials and products.
  • Energy efficiency.

4. Other emerging and enabling technologies

  • Benchmarking of off-the-shelf solutions.
  • Regulation and testing of solutions in regulated environments (sandboxes).
  • Material transformation processes, additive manufacturing and composite materials.

Our enabling technologies include: additive manufacturing laser systems, computer vision, perception systems, digital twins and distributed computing (HPC).

Illustrative node services

Optimization at factory level using ITA

  • AI-based online quality control and tuning system.
  • Detection of imperfections on the surface of the sheets during the stamping process.
  • In-line quality control and adjustment system based on expert systems (machine learning, deep learning) and machine vision techniques, which can be integrated directly into the production line process.
    This system takes into account the variability of the environment, such as lighting conditions and vibrations.

Expert systems or models based on learning techniques are one of the most important solution to overcome the inherent limitations of traditional inspection and quality control methods.
They combine machine learning from a human being
(developed cognitive ability) with the speed and repeatability of an electronic system.

Perception and artificial intelligence for in-line inspection.

Robot-based services for the management of items that are currently excluded from automated systems in warehouses, either because of their volume, weight or diversity.

TECNALIA Collaborative Robotics

Logistics centers (e.g., in the pharmaceutical sector) automate 85% of product handling using traditional systems.
However, the remaining 15% of products are handled manually due to variability in case size and weight (high mix/low volume).
Currently, there is no solution on the market to address this situation without making costly investments to modify existing warehouses.

This is why MAIRON has emerged in response to this challenge.
It combines advanced technologies such as collaborative robotics, autonomous navigation, advanced perception systems, teleoperation and AI-based decision making to offer a robotic solution capable of handling packages up to 20 kg.
This enables fast and efficient installation and maintenance for the customer.

Experimentation services already in place.

First industrial projection


Other B2B with companies at events such as:

  • Industria Conectada (Oct. 2-3) and Industry Days (Oct. 4-6) exhibitions in Malaga.
  • 23rd CMH Manufacturing Congress (25-27 Oct.) San Sebastian.
  • EBDVF 2023 Data and AI in Action: Sustainable Impact and Future Realities (25-27 Oct. Valencia)
  • MANUFUTURE (coming November 23 and 24).

Contact the AI Matters community to find out how our services will enhance your manufacturing project with AI technologies.